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Grand Tall Cedar’s Message February 2022

Happy February Cedars, Cedarettes, and Families!


I can’t wait to see all of you at this month’s in-person meeting at the Attleboro Masonic Temple @7:00 to discuss and plan our social and “Fun”draiser events for the year. We will have a fantastic dinner prepared by guest Chef Joe Viera @6:00, we ask that you please R.S.V.P. by sending an email to, or by calling GTC Matt (774) 263-5018 before Monday January 31, so we have enough food for everyone.


The theme for the evening is your support favorite football team even if they didn’t make it to the Superbowl (no ties or suits required), so wear your favorite jersey or t-shirt and join us for a fun evening. After a brief meeting, we will be having a family game night, so be sure to bring your family and a few of your favorite games to share with your fellow Cedars and friends.


Our March meeting will be virtual (Zoom) and will feature a presentation by Jill Farinelli about her book “The Palatine Wreck: The Legend of the New England Ghost Ship”. Also in March, we will once be again marching in the Newport St. Patrick’s Day Parade on March 12, Our Boss Clown Frank, will provide all the necessary information at this month’s meeting, and you don’t need to be a clown, (or a Tall Cedars Clown) to march with us, Cedars, Cedarettes, and family members are welcome too, speak with the Boss clown for more information.


We value the attendance and participation of our Cedars and Cedarettes to make 2022 the best year possible, through a lot a fun and teamwork. I have a draft list of ideas for the year which I will distribute at the meeting, which is a starting point for discussion not a final agenda, so please write down your ideas and bring them, or send them via email if you cannot attend, because we greatly value your input in how your Forest is run and the program we offer for members and their families. Finally, a reminder that by directive of the Supreme Forest, masks are required for all in-person Tall Cedars meetings and events until further notice has been given.


I hope that all of you will join us at these upcoming events, and that you will reach out to any of the officers if we can be of any help.


Fraternally Yours,




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