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Grand Tall Cedar’s Message April 2022


Cedars and Cedarettes,


Spring is in the air! The warmer weather is finally upon us, the flowers are starting to bloom, and it looks like we might be able to meet in person soon, we will discuss this at this month’s meeting. I truly believe that better days are ahead for all of us, and I look forward to seeing all of you in person as soon as it is safe to do so.


Last month, we had another incredible presentation about improving your virtual presentations and meetings, which was brought to us by Dale Ludwig, and Greg Owen-Boger of Turpin Communication. If you were not able to join us for last month’s meeting, I would invite you to visit our YouTube page to view the presentation. If you would like their contact info to inquire about their consulting services, please reach out to our Scribe. This month, we will have a fantastic and informative presentation about Chief Massasoit, by our own Junior Deputy Grand Tall Cedar Bill Richards, I sincerely hope that you will consider joining us.


This month our Scribe will be emailing or including a form for you to update your contact information, please complete it and scan and email it to us (, or send it to us return postage to ensure we have all of your information up-to-date so you don’t miss out on our upcoming events.


Lastly, on April 24, the officers and members of our forest as well as members of Ezekiel Bates Lodge, (family and friends are welcome too!) will be joining together in fellowship and service to volunteer at the Attleboro community cleanup which will be a period of 2 hours 10-12. I need to have a headcount and t-shirt sizes by April 1 so she can order them, so please signup using this link ( so I can have a headcount and coordinate our efforts with the lodge and the event organizers.


As always, if there is anything I can to help you or your family, please reach out to me directly, if for some reason you do not feel comfortable reaching out to me, please reach out to our scribe or one of the other officers and they will do everything they can to render assistance.


Your Brother and Friend,



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