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Joint Ceremonial

Joint Ceremonial

Tall Cedars of Lebanon International & Grotto M.O.V.P.E.R.


Saturday, August 17, 2024

Featuring: the tall cedars prologue and royal court and grotto full form ceremonial

Valley of Hartford Scottish Rite Theater 207 Deming St, Newington, CT 06111


Join NAVA Grotto & Massasoit Forest Tall Cedars (Attleboro)


Tall Cedars Application

Grotto Application

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Who are the Tall Cedars of Lebanon


The Tall Cedars of Lebanon is an appendant Masonic order and is said to be one of Masonry’s best-kept secrets. All Masons in good standing are eligible to join. Tall Cedars have access to a wide range of fun, and fulfilling social activities, such as cookouts, sporting events, day trips, and more. Tall Cedars are well-known for their appearances in parades and other events where they proudly wear colorful pyramid-shaped hats emblazoned with the order’s logo, a cedar tree.

The Tall Cedars can be traced back to 1843 when a group of Masons created a fun degree known as the “Ancient and Honorable Rite of Humility.” which is a contrast to the more formal and formalized “Blue Lodge” degrees which emphasize the virtues of a Mason.

Participants were reminded that fun and frolic are important in addition to a dedication to their families, vocations, careers, and communities. Additionally, it imprinted on them that no matter their rank, position, title, or honor, they needed to remain humble. The organization was instituted in 1902 to preserve the “Rite of Humility” which has evolved to become our Sidonian or 2nd degree, and the Tall Cedars of Lebanon have over 15,000 members spread across over 100 forests in North Central, and South America as well as Europe.


The Tall Cedars’ ‘logo’ and the symbolism it employs are based on the Biblical story of King Solomon’s first temple in Jerusalem when the strongest and finest trees from Mount Lebanon were chopped down and made into rafts and carried down the Joppa River to the ocean where they were then transported by the ocean to Jerusalem for use in building the temple. Tall Cedars member wears pink roses during meetings and events because they serve as a reminder of the work they do to raise funds for children with musculoskeletal diseases by selling them to raise funds for the Tall Cedars Foundation. It has also become a symbol of hope for the children they serve.

Tall Cedars have a slogan and philosophy that distinguishes them from other Masonic bodies: “Fun, Frolic, and Fellowship for a Purpose.”

The Tall Cedars are quite unique from other Masonic bodies because they combine all of the best aspects of other Masonic bodies: the charitable aspects of the Shrine, the whimsical aspects of the Grotto, the fellowship and camaraderie of the Blue Lodge, a ceremonial initiation ceremony that resembles a Scottish Degree, and, most importantly, a place where Masons can gather in fun and fellowship with their families.

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What is the Tall Cedars’ Foundation?

At the heart of every Tall Cedar is the tenet of philanthropy as demonstrated by the white rose we wear, which is to continually remind us that in addition to all of the colorful fun and pageantry, we have a serious purpose as well, which is to support the Tall Cedars Foundation.

The TCF manages the Muscular Dystrophy Relief Fund which provides direct relief for children and their families affected by muscular dystrophy and other neuromuscular diseases to cover the cost of medical and adaptive equipment, therapies, and MD related recreational programs which promote their physical, emotional, and emotional well-being.

The Supreme Forest or governing body of Tall Cedars International also awards 5 academic scholarships annually for young adults to attend an accredited college or trade/technical school.

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What is the Grotto M.O.V.P.E.R.?

Masonry proper, is all work… solemn, serious and sublime work… there is not and never should be a line of light and frivolous from the first step as we enter the outer courts, to the last in the Holy of Holies of its Mystic Temple. Truth, everlasting and unchanging, is the foundation on which it is erected and on this basis its votaries by bonds of brotherhood which are mutually helpful and beneficent.

While it is as Prophets we open the portals of the Enchanted Realm to Master Masons, we are none the less loyal to Masonry. We carry with us the solemn lessons we have learned within the Lodge and we are guided by the precepts of Masonry while we revel in the good cheer of the Prophets.

The Order of Veiled Prophets, while proclaiming the loyalty of its members to Masonry, makes no pretense of being a Masonic Order, nor does it claim to confer a Masonic degree. Its membership is exclusively Masonic and its purpose is to supply the element of play such a way that work and play will be blended without marring the solid beauty of Masonry. The Grotto is said to be essentially Masonic in character.

The requirements for membership in the Order of Veiled Prophets is that a man must first be a Master Mason in good standing, and that he must continue to maintain his good standing in the Blue Lodge in order to retain his standing in the Order. In no way does the Grotto infringe upon the rights and ceremonies of Masonry or of any other Order.

The Grotto leads it votaries through an Enchanted Realm where the spirit of mirth touches the hearts and evolves cheerful companionship, in joy of which they are brought near together in helpful sympathy, which is none the less true because the eye beams with delight and laughter goes with a Prophet’s greeting when hand clasps hand in its mystic fellowship.

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What is The Humanitarian Foundation?

Grottoes International Humanitarian Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization that brings “Special Smiles” to children with special needs by providing them much-needed dental care.

  1. The program helps cover the cost of dental treatment and anesthesia costs, whether done in a hospital setting or dental office. We do not cover the hospital costs.


The Dental Care for Children with Special Needs Program is designed for children under 21 with one or more of the following conditions:

Cerebral Palsy
Muscular Dystrophy and related neuromuscular disorders
Intellectual Disabilities, including Downs Syndrome for profound to 2 years overall delayed. Documentation from the child’s school licensed psychologist, or physician, may be required.
Dental Care for Organ Transplant recipients pre & post


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Tall Cedars Application


Grotto Application


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